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lør. 13. maj


Clarion Copenhagen airport

Copenhagen - Smart Start (English)

Achieve safe and predictable results with ClearCorrect. We review case selection, diagnosis, treatment planning, setup analysis and correction, and clinical management. Guided by an expert you will outline your own customised plan for the implementation of ClearCorrect in your dental practice.

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Copenhagen - Smart Start (English)
Copenhagen - Smart Start (English)

Tid & Sted

13. maj 2023, 09.00 – 17.00 CEST

Clarion Copenhagen airport, Københavns Lufthavn, Ellehammersvej 20, 2770 Kastrup, Danmark


Intended for: Dentists, hygienists & dental assistants

Category:  ClearCorrect

Languages: English

Start treatments with ClearCorrect safe and predictable.

Register yourself and your team for the course and get the tools you need to achieve clinical confidence, as well as efficient and cost-effective workflows with clear aligners in general practice.


  • Starting with confidence
  • Competent diagnostics
  • Safe treatment planning
  • Predictable treatment outcomes
  • Team delegation: what, how and when
  • Profitable workflows
  • Clinical tips and tricks
  • Trouble shooting!

Experience how you can build efficient and stress free workflows. Without compromising patient safety.

This course gives you a practical step-by-step guide to help you achieve clinically confident results with ClearCorrect.

We will review how to select the right patients, collect all relevant information to be able to develop a biologically safe, realistic and predictable treatment plan, as well as how to manage patients in practice. Not only when everything goes according to plan, but also what to do when a treatment does not track as planned.

Remember to bring your hygienist or dental assistant!

Based on experience from previous courses. We know, that when one or more team members join you and realise why and how you want your workflow to be - AND define the goals of the practive with you. You will reach your goals much faster due to a common commitment.

Do you seek great and safe results? - Bring your team with you.


You will have the opportunity to work hands-on with the elements we find challenging in most practices.

We do not want you to invest in unnecessary equipment. Therefore we kindly ask you to bring the following:

  • Photo mirrors and retractors (If you don't have any. Don't bring any)
  • A light source for smartphone photography (If you don't have any. Don't bring any)
  • A polymerisation lamp
  • Your favourite composite (capsule and flow, incl. dispensing gun)
  • A simple composite instrument
  • Good mood


  • Tuition, training materials, lunch, snacks, soft drinks and fun


Jesper Hatt DDS

International speaker

Private practice owner for 12 years

Treating patients with clear aligners since 2008.

International key opinionleader in 9 years on digital workflows for kaVo.

Co-founder of AlignerService providing ClearCorrect support and advice to dentists in 15 different countries.

This is a collaborative event between Straumann ClearCorrect and

Together we strive to give you great experiences with ClearCorrect.

Note. We may take photos for future marketing during the course.


  • Smart Start - Tandlæge

    Tandlægebillet Denne billet inkluderer: kursusgebyr, alle materialer, frokost, snacks og alkoholfrie drikkevarer.

    795,00 €
    Salg slut
  • Smart Start - hygienist/assist

    Dentist/clinical assistant ticket. This ticket includes: course fee, all materials, lunch, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages.

    473,00 €
    Salg slut


0,00 €

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