Smart Start med ClearCorrect
ClearCorrect - Comprehensive
Start smart med ClearCorrect og undgå de klassiske faldgruber, når du begynder at behandle patienter med clear aligners.
Dette kursus gør dig i stand til at opnå realistiske, biologisk sikre og forudsigelige behandlingsresultater.
Workflow'et udarbejdet af AlignerService sikrer dig klinisk tryghed med det samme og er nem at implementere i enhver travl klinik.
Course overview
Day one (English)
Experience how you can build efficient and stress free workflows. Without compromising on patient safety.
This course gives you a practical step-by-step guide to help you achieve realistic, safe and predictable results with ClearCorrect.
We review how to select the right patients, collect all relevant information to be able to develop a biologically safe, realistic and predictable treatment plan, as well as how to manage the patients in practice. Not only when everything goes according to plan, but also what to do if a treatment has tracking issues.
Remember to bring your hygienist or dental assistant as this will enable you to align and delegate more tasks to your team, freeing up precious chairtime.
Day two (Dutch)
This is a combination of the most needed skills needed to start treating patients with clear aligners:
Facially generated treatment planning and case presentation.
This course is perfect for general practitioners with experience in treating their patients with ClearCorrect or those dental teams who have already participated in the Smart Start course (or day one).
Facially generated treatment planning
The ortho-restorative part teaches dentists and their team how to deliver a complete solution to their patients by combining orthodontic treatments with implants and restorative dentistry. All to ensure a beautiful smile.
The methods taught focus on providing safe and ethical dentistry. Participants will learn how to plan and finish orthodontic-restorative cases.
Patient communication - a pitfall in your practice?
Participants will learn how to motivate new and existing patients to start comprehensive treatment with clear aligners, implants and prosthodontics.
Joyce will guide you through her workflow and show the opportunities many clinicians do not see. You will be shown how to be open about fees, treatment time and the benefits of treatment over time. She will send you home with tips and tricks on how to talk more about aligners and some general communication guidelines that are easy for you to implement in your daily work.
This course will give you examples of the hygienist as the main source of comprehensive treatment referrals as well as show you how everyone in the team can create awareness and interest.
Program day 1
Foundation for succes with ClearCorrect
Patient identification
Case selection
Data handling -
Dental photography & Doctor portal
Orthodontic diagnostics
Treatment planning
Clinical handling of engagers and IPR
Delivery, Tracking and Corrections.
Restorative finishing, Retention
Sustainable branding
Implementation and next steps
Program day 2
Facially generated treatment plans
Simple diagnostic and planning tools
Realistic, Safe and Predictable treatment
Restoratively driven treatment planning
Simple ways to expand the toolbox
Patient communication
Growing your numbers
How to make patients say "YES"
Following up
Why people will always accept comprehensive treatment
Smart Start ClearCorrect
- fre. 01. nov.Straumann Danmark01. nov. 2024, 09.00 – 16.00 CETStraumann Danmark, Nygårds Pl. 21, 2605 Brøndby, DenmarkDette kursus er for tandlæger, der arbejder med clear aligners og som ønsker at være mere i kontrol over diagnostik, behandlingsplanlægning og forudsigeligheden af den virtuelle behandlingsplan. Da det er et relativt intenst hands-on kursus, er antallet af pladser stærkt begrænset (Max 10)
- tors. 31. okt.Straumann Danmark31. okt. 2024, 09.00 – 17.00 CETStraumann Danmark, Nygårds Pl. 21, 2605 Brøndby, DenmarkKurset viser dig hvad du kan gøre, for at opnå sikre og forudsigelige ClearCorrect behandlinger i almen praksis. Vi gennemgår case selection, diagnostik, behandlingsplanlægning, setup analyse og korrektion, samt klinisk håndtering. Kurset er for tandlæger og deres team.
- tors. 13. jun.Hof ter Musschen13. jun. 2024, 09.00 – 17.00Hof ter Musschen, Avenue E. Mounier 2, 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, BelgiumClear aligner treatment planning beyond the basics. Improve your proficiency in selecting cases, conducting orthodontic diagnostics, and formulating personalized orthodontic treatment plans. Elevate your expertise with clear aligners as this course propels you to the next level in your tre
- tors. 06. jun.Comwell Kellers Park06. jun. 2024, 09.00 – 16.00 CESTComwell Kellers Park, H. O. Wildenskovsvej 28, 7080 Børkop, DenmarkDette kursus er for tandlæger, der arbejder med clear aligners og som ønsker at være mere i kontrol over diagnostik, behandlingsplanlægning og forudsigeligheden af den virtuelle behandlingsplan
- ons. 05. jun.Comwell Kellers Park05. jun. 2024, 09.00 – 17.00 CESTComwell Kellers Park, H. O. Wildenskovsvej 28, 7080 Børkop, DenmarkKurset viser dig hvad du kan gøre, for at opnå sikre og forudsigelige ClearCorrect behandlinger i almen praksis. Vi gennemgår case selection, diagnostik, behandlingsplanlægning, setup analyse og korrektion, samt klinisk håndtering. Kurset er for tandlæger og deres team.
- fre. 24. majVan der valk hotel Antwerpen24. maj 2024, 09.00 CEST – 25. maj 2024, 16.00 CESTVan der valk hotel Antwerpen, Luitenant Lippenslaan 66, 2140 Antwerpen, BelgiumClearCorrect two day event. Day one: Start Smart - Case selection, diagnosis, treatment planning, setup correction, and clinical management. Day two: The ortho-restorative connection and patient communication.
- tors. 02. majStraumann Danmark02. maj 2024, 09.00 – 16.00 CESTStraumann Danmark, Nygårds Pl. 21, 2605 Brøndby, DenmarkDette kursus er for tandlæger, der arbejder med clear aligners og som ønsker at være mere i kontrol over diagnostik, behandlingsplanlægning og forudsigeligheden af den virtuelle behandlingsplan
- ons. 01. majStraumann Danmark01. maj 2024, 09.00 – 17.00 CESTStraumann Danmark, Nygårds Pl. 21, 2605 Brøndby, DenmarkKurset viser dig hvad du kan gøre, for at opnå sikre og forudsigelige ClearCorrect behandlinger i almen praksis. Vi gennemgår case selection, diagnostik, behandlingsplanlægning, setup analyse og korrektion, samt klinisk håndtering. Kurset er for tandlæger og deres team.
- tors. 07. mar.Straumann Danmark07. mar. 2024, 09.00 – 16.00 CETStraumann Danmark, Nygårds Pl. 21, 2605 Brøndby, DenmarkDette kursus er for tandlæger, der arbejder med clear aligners og som ønsker at være mere i kontrol over diagnostik, behandlingsplanlægning og forudsigeligheden af den virtuelle behandlingsplan
- fre. 02. feb.Van der Valk hotel Gent02. feb. 2024, 09.00 CET – 03. feb. 2024, 16.00 CETVan der Valk hotel Gent, Akkerhage 10, 9000 Gent, BelgiumClearCorrect two day event. Day one: Start Smart - Case selection, diagnosis, treatment planning, setup correction, and clinical management. Day two: The ortho-restorative connection and patient communication.
- tirs. 30. jan.Comwell Århus30. jan. 2024, 09.00 – 17.00 CETComwell Århus, Værkmestergade 2, 8000 Aarhus, DanmarkKurset viser dig hvad du kan gøre, for at opnå sikre og forudsigelige ClearCorrect behandlinger i almen praksis. Vi gennemgår case selection, diagnostik, behandlingsplanlægning, setup analyse og korrektion, samt klinisk håndtering. Kurset er for tandlæger og deres team.
- lør. 21. okt.Van Der Valk Brussels Airport21. okt. 2023, 09.00 – 17.00 CESTVan Der Valk Brussels Airport, Culliganlaan 4, 1831 Machelen, BelgienObtenez des résultats sûrs et prévisibles avec ClearCorrect. Nous passons en revue la sélection des cas, le diagnostic, la planification du traitement, l'analyse et la correction des plans de, et la gestion clinique. Guidé par un expert, vous élaborerez votre propre plan personnalisé pour la mise en
- tors. 12. okt.Van der valk Amsterdam-Amstel12. okt. 2023, 09.00 – 16.00Van der valk Amsterdam-Amstel, Joan Muyskenweg 20, 1096 CJ Amsterdam, NetherlandsAdvanced clear aligner treatment planning. Get better at case selection, orthodontic diagnostics and creating your own orthodontic treatment plans. This course takes you to the next level in your treatments with clear aligners.
- lør. 16. sep.Clarion Copenhagen airport16. sep. 2023, 09.00 – 17.00 CESTClarion Copenhagen airport, Københavns Lufthavn, Ellehammersvej 20, 2770 Kastrup, DanmarkDentists & Dental hygienists/dental assistants. A great practical ClearCorrect workshop for practices that want to start treating patients biologically realistic, safe and predictable with ClearCorrect. ClearCorrect powered by
- tors. 15. jun.Villa Copenhagen15. jun. 2023, 17.00 – 21.00Villa Copenhagen, Centralpostbygningen, Tietgensgade 35-39, 1704 København, DanmarkLær at kommunikere på en måde, der giver dine patienter lyst til at investere i den behandling, de har behov for. Tag din tandplejer med, og opnå fordelene ved en team-tilgang.
- fre. 26. majVan der Valk hotel Gent26. maj 2023, 09.00 CEST – 27. maj 2023, 16.00 CESTVan der Valk hotel Gent, Akkerhage 10, 9000 Gent, BelgienClearCorrect two day event. Day one: Start Smart - Case selection, diagnosis, treatment planning, setup correction, and clinical management. Day two: The ortho-restorative connection and patient communication.
- tors. 25. majVan Der Valk Brussels Airport25. maj 2023, 09.00 – 17.00 CESTVan Der Valk Brussels Airport, Culliganlaan 4, 1831 Machelen, BelgiumObtenez des résultats sûrs et prévisibles avec ClearCorrect. Nous passons en revue la sélection des cas, le diagnostic, la planification du traitement, l'analyse et la correction des plans de, et la gestion clinique. Guidé par un expert, vous élaborerez votre propre plan personnalisé pour la mise en
- lør. 13. majStraumann Danmark13. maj 2023, 09.00 – 17.00 CESTStraumann Danmark, Nygårds Pl. 21, 2605 Brøndby, DenmarkIntroductory course to orthodontics in general practice with ClearCorrect. The course shows ways to achieve realistic, safe and predictable results. The course is created in collaboration with Straumann and ClearCorrect.
Meet the speakers
Jesper Hatt DDS
Private practice owner for 12 years in Denmark
International speaker and hands-on instructor
Has been treating patients with clear aligners since 2008.
International key opinionleader in 9 years on digital workflows for kaVo.
Has been helping dentists and the dental industry improve their businesses since 2019.
Co-Founder of AlignerService providing clear aligner support and supporting dentists in 15 different countries.
Jasper Thoolen DDS
Graduated as a dentist from the Radboud University in Nijmegen (the Netherlands) in 2016.
He currently works at Lassus Tandartsen Oisterwijk. His main focus is on restorative and reconstructive dentistry, digital smile design and digital workflows including orthodontics and implantology.
Jasper is a renowned international speaker. Besides working chair time he is also an author for a variety of dental magazines and key-opinion-leader for some well respected dental companies.
Jasper is one of the five founders of the online education movement Karma.Dentistry.
Joyce Van Loock
Dental hygienist
Member of the board of BBM (belgian association of oral hygienists)
Clinical coordinator at UCLL for internships at UZ Leuven
Co-Owner of a dental practice treating 150+ patients annually with ClearCorrect and place 350+ implants
Speaker for Straumann (clearcorrrect-implantology-hygiene protocols)
First CBCT certified oral hygienist in Belgium