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Work Smart - English

Di., 08. März


Online Zoom meeting

Start smart - join this online study club prior to your "Work Smart" course. Step by step we guide you through a case or two to give you an idea about how you to start your ClearCorrect journey.

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Work Smart - English
Work Smart - English

Wann & wo?

08. März 2022, 19:00 – 20:00

Online Zoom meeting


Welcome to your first AlignerService study club.

AlignerService study clubs are held in a safe forum where participants share cases and challenges they experience with ClearCorrect treatments.

Your first AlignerService study club will be based on photos and possibly an IO scan of a patient, potential patient or colleague that you have uploaded to your ClearCorrect doctor portal prior to your AlignerService study club.

All types of cases are welcome in this study club.

You don't have to worry about what, how much or how little needs to be corrected.

We take you through the thought process that precedes the evaluation of any ClearCorrect treatment. Step by step, you'll see how one of Europe's most experienced Clear Aligner experts starts looking at a case prior to any ClearCorrect treatment plan.

Share your case with Helle Hatt DDS and get the chance to have it reviewed live.

Ask all the questions you want along the way. Dr. Hatt is known for her way of guiding participants thoughtfully through a process that provides greater insight into treatments with ClearCorrect.

Prior to each study club, we evaluate all cases. In this way, we ensure that all cases reviewed are relevant to the study club theme. 

Prerequisites to attend:

  1. You are signed up for participation in the "Smart start ClearCorrect" course
  2. You must have a ClearCorrect account (Contact your local Straumann representative to resolve this)
  3. You must have registered a patient and uploaded the required clinical photos to your doctor portal. (Contact your local Straumann representative to resolve this)
  4. An IO scan or impression of the patient should be uploaded - but is not a requirement. 
  5. The first setup may be ready - but should not approved. Based on previous experience. You will discover why it is a really good idea to wait approving your case until after the Study Club.
  6. Associate, as collaborator on the current case. If you are unsure how to assign a collaborator, download our free guide here.
  7. The above should be ready the day before the course, in order for us to have the opportunity to review the material.  This gives us the best conditions to provide you with a great interactive online experience.

Together with the participants in the online study club:

  • We will review the individual cases based on the photos and setups
  • We look at the potential difficulties and pitfalls of each case
  • We show how each participant can achieve clinical confidence throughout the treatment process, without being a clear aligner expert themselves.

Every participant in the "Smart Start with ClearCorrect" course i granted a discount on 5 ClearCorrect cases by Straumann. The discount is equvalent to the comprehensive treatment planning service offered by

Utilizing this opportunity not only lets you start smart. It makes you start safe and predictable as well. 

Your online host and ClearCorrect expert:

Helle Hatt DDS

Dr. Hatt has been responsible for all clinical support for Invisalign in Scandinavia as well as developing and training the entire European clinical support for ClearCorrect.

She developed and implemented the European training and education program for ClearCorrect.

Currently she has helped more than 1500 general practitioners and orthodontists improve their treatment plans. She is an external speaker at the university of Geneva and is responsible for the internal quality control at

Join us in this highly sought after course and get a quick guide to getting you started safely.

Eine Mitgliedschaft kaufen und an der Kasse 100% Rabatt auf diese Veranstaltung erhalten


  • ClearCorrect study club no 1

    There are no requirements for the type of case you upload in this study club. All types of cases can be used.

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